Saturday, May 19, 2007


I thought I lost my camera but I found it the next day down in one of our auditorium seats. Tillamook hosted this year's District 3 Middle School Choir Festival on Thursday, May 17th. We had 11 schools on the program and we all had such a fun day listening to each other, supporting each individual choir and I'm sure the directors picked up some song ideas to use next year! the all the hubbub and hurry of the day I set my camera down and didn't remember where I had put it. Now I wasn't so concerned about the camera itself, but of the 350+ pictures I had on it that weren't downloaded on the computer yet. I was VERY thankful when I saw the black case stuck down between the seat and back of one of the chairs. I was thrilled, actually.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the MS Choir Festival, but a photographer from Seaside was at the Festival and snapped all kinds of wonderful shots. I'll get the picture CD he's offering and perhaps I can put some of those pictures on here. He said we could do whatever we wanted with the pictures.

Nevertheless, I do have some wonderful shots of my own of other school related events. (Now that my camera has been FOUND!!!) I'll share some of those pictures here. They're just normal everyday pictures, but NOT just normal everyday people. These people are very special...they're my students. And some of them only have 5 days of school left. Yes, the senior class checks out of school at the end of next week. Those of us left will definitely miss them. Such talent and such personalities. They are going to go far on whatever path they choose to walk down. I pray they walk down the straight and narrow path and make wise decisions on the way.