Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Our car wash went really well. From now on all car washes will be held 10:00-12:30. A 4 hour car wash is just TOOOOOO long.

We're meeting tomorrow in the THS Choir room at 10:00 to try on dresses and review music for next year. It's amazing to me just how many singers are available at the same time what with working and vacations. I'm looking forward to tomorrow...I just hope those dresses fit!

I got Marquise's phone number from who else but our "retired" Soprano Section Leader. The only problem is....it's a long distance number so if you HAPPEN to read this, Marquise, meet us tomorrow. Is there some other way to get ahold of you???

That's about it for today. Oh...this is REALLY random, but a couple of weeks ago my odometer read 33333. I just had to take a picture of it.