Last night our All-Choir Concert was performed and was a success. All you singers did a jolly good job. I think I programmed a bit too much music (which explains the 1 1/2 hour length) but the audience didn't seem to mind.
We had some great highlights like Bonnie's knock-down drag-out solo in "He Never Failed Me Yet" and the bubbles addition to "Them There Eyes". No I didn't plan that...Nathan and Melissa added some "free expression" of their own to the song.
The solos and small ensembles were a fun break from the formal choir-on-the-risers singing. I'm sure Mathew West could play his guitar part in his sleep...he had that song down cold.
Thanks to the Tri-M Music Honor Society (the band representatives) for ushering. The choir representatives will be ushering for the All-Band Concert tonight.
It is a little sad to think we have only one concert left. I can see in all you singers that you have grown musically this year. I'm looking forward to what great things you can do on May 29th (for the high school concert) and June 3rd (for the junior high school concert). Always remember...never ever give up and keep singing!