Well - we didn't make the top 5, but I was so proud of the way you sang! We fell behind point-wise in expression (mostly facial) and our sight-reading. So I guess you know what our focus will be next year!
There always has to be a "bus" picture - - -
And a couple snaps of those of us that stayed for the Awards Ceremony - - -
It was great having Susan Pulliam and Lonnie Jenck along for the fun, too - although I don't think I got a picture of them.
Mr. Rhodes drove to Newberg to listen to us sing and then rode the choir bus back to THS while a bunch of us stayed for the Awards Ceremony. Sue Hastings, Mr. Jordan & Beth Gienger made the trip, too. Thanks for your support! (I hope I didn't leave out anyone)
I want to share something really cool and unexpected that happened:
During the Awards Ceremony the choir directors from each 4A State Choir were introduced and each of us had to stand up.
After the Awards Ceremony, a lady came to me and introduced herself as Sally Terril. She was the Tillamook Choir Director from 1951-1953 and was the first choir director in the exisitng school building when it was brand new. I didn't get my picture taken with her, but just telling the story will have to do. She was at State to hear her grand-daughter sing in the Springfield Concert Choir (5A).
Just to give you an idea of where Sally fits into the "THS Director History" (from 1949-1989) I've listed it below.
1969-1989 Wayne Merrell
1961-1969 Marjorie Gallatly
1957-1961 Virginia Barnett
1956-1957 Dorothy Anderson
1955-1956 Jackie Jackson
1953-1955 Harold Wood/Dorothy Schwend
1951-1953 Sally Terril
1949-1951 Delmar Mabee
Singers - you can feel good about your performance and the fact that you sang on the "State Choir Stage". Congratulations!!!!!
Here's the link to the OSAA website so you can look at the results for other divisions/past years/etc.
I'll type up the judges comments and we'll review them next week...then it's on to our Spring Concert - Thursday, May 29th.
And finally...I bought a State Choir sweatshirt this year.
I'll buy the sweat pants next year.