Monday, November 26, 2012


The Vocal Ensemble was privileged to have a Master Class with The Four Freshman Sunday, November 25th.  Just a few members of the VE were able to come but we had a great time.  Those that came to the Master Class received a free ticket to see them in concert later in the evening.

The Four Freshmen began in 1948 when the original singers were college freshmen.  The current members have sung in the group for 11, 13, 16 and 20 years and sing in tight harmony like a barbershop quartet.  The difference between the Four Freshmen and barbershop singing is that barbershop groups sing the melody with a higher part sung above. to me more if you're totally confused and I'll explain it more in depth.

Anyway, here's a picture of us all together.  Quite a lovely gathering, huh?